
Hyatt führt weltweite Maskenpflicht in allen Hotels ein

Hyatt hat nun angekündigt, dass ab sofort alle Gäste in Hyatt Hotels weltweit eine Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung tragen müssen. Dies gilt für alle öffentlichen Bereiche. Ausnahmen, zum Beispiel für Pool-Bereich oder ähnliches, wird es je nach Land geben.

Hier gelangen Sie zur Ankündigung

Following medical expert guidance to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, face masks or coverings are required in hotel indoor public areas and when moving around in outdoor areas at all Hyatt hotels globally, with some exceptions, based on local laws or guidance. For specific requirements, please contact the hotel directly or visit the hotel website.

Public areas may include hotel lobbies, meetings and events spaces, restaurants and bars, and fitness centers. Some guests may be exempt from this mandate, including but not limited to guests with medical conditions, guests consuming food or beverages in restaurants, guests who are seated outdoors and socially distant, and children under the age of two (2).

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